Crossover Kingdom

Dotty the Dalmatian

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Fellowship of Mutants
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Notes: Dotty can be found at either the fire house being pampered by the fire-fighters or at his own house playing with his owner's kids. He’s also Sara’s other best friend next to Luna & Phoebe. If he has to do something, only Scooby Snax can give him his courage. He takes after Michelangelo.

Age: 12.

Height: 5’0”, quadruped 3’4”.

Eyes: Blue.

Collar: Teal.

Birthday: November 12.

Wardrobe: Magenta basketball jersey (number 33) over red T-shirt & green shorts.

Home: 241 Falton Rd. (next-door to Jodi's Bookstore)

Origin: He was adopted by the cheif of the fire department to be their new mascot and new pet for his kids, Jim & Tiffany. While they were giving him a bath in the backyard one day, Tiffany mistaken some mutagen for gel soap (nobody knows how it got there though), thus making Dotty mutate but the kids still love him anyways. Soon, he befriended Sara, Luna & Phoebe and they formed the Mutant Fellowship.

Favorite colors: Black & white. (Get it?)

Favorite pizza topping: Pepperoni & Scooby Snax.

Good attribute: Good sport, party animal & very cool.

Bad attribute: He can be a bit obnoxious.

Favorite music: Randy Newman.

Favorite book: “Call of the Wild” by Jack London.

Favorite TV show: “Yu-Gi-Oh!” (old show)

Favorite movie: “101 Dalmatians.” (Of course!)

Favorite Pony: Fizzy.

Interests: Ninjitsu, eating pizza, sleeping, partying, video games, TV & hanging with best friends Sara, Luna & Phoebe.

Biggest dream: Save more than 6 people from a crisis.

Biggest fear: Getting replaced & John Preachme (for some odd reason).

Owner: Fire Chief Lou Turner.

John Preachme is a wacko redneck my brother made up, he sometimes works as a dogcatcher.

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